Apparently this is a Weekly Blog...

So here it is, another week has passed and I have neglected to blog. I'm not quite sure how I get so incredibly busy all the time. I was so busy this week, that there were two full days that I did not get on the internet at all. I know some of you web addicts may find this appalling and absurd, but this is my reality. I typically try to check my email everyday, but sometimes I just don't get to it...

Although busy, my week was somewhat uneventful. I gave a Math test this week and I was really concerned about it. I was told by "the powers that be" that this chapter was too advanced for my class and that I should stop teaching new concepts after this, so needless to say I was extremely nervous about this test. I stay afterschool for Math Help every Monday and this week I ended up staying Wednesday and Thursday too, just for those who couldn't make Mondays. I gave my classes everything they needed to succeed. After school on Friday, I decided to stay late and grade the tests. My class did great! I was so happy. All A's and B's with two C's. That's pretty sweet. I'm not sure about my other class yet because not everyone finished taking the test yet. I looked at some of them and they don't seem like they're going to do as well, but still not too bad. Progress reports go out on Friday, so I'll have a really busy week this week getting ready for those.

We mowed our grass yesterday and I biffed my foot. It's a little swollen and totally hurts like poop. You see, I fell in a hole (no surprise....I am a spaz) and when I fell, I fell into our fence and hit my foot. I finished mowing the front yard (which took me forever because this was our first mow of the season) and I didn't go inside until after eight o'clock...long day. The really sad thing is that last week, I finally started working out again...much like my brother-in-law, I have gained about thirty pounds since getting I'm sad and don't want to go out of my house looking the way I started going to the gym again and playing raquetball with Nick. I was waaaay out of shape at the beginning of this school year and this was only added to when I broke my ankle because I couldn't do much without hurting it. I still have to wear my brace because it's pretty weak and now I've hurt my other foot and cannot walk on it without pain...what the poop?!

Someone in my class wrote on my markerboard and no one's fessing up...I told them they don't get recess until we get to the bottom of it...we'll see what happens on Monday

Well, I feel this is a boring blog, but I'm really tired. I don't think that I could be funny due to the sleep deprivation I am enduring at this point in time. It's amazing how tired I am...I am more than happy to go to sleep right now...Nick's watching a bunch of crap about the NFL Draft so I'll have to use my ear plugs and sleep mask to get to sleep tonight I think...Peace, love, and fried chicken to all...
~ Blevins-out!

Has it really been so long?

Wow, so here I am, sitting in bed watching I Love Lucy and I'm thinking...whoa, I can't believe I went all week without getting on the computer to create a new blog. I'll admit, I'm not as much of a computer psycho as my hubby, but still, I'm ashamed of myself! I don't necessarily have too much to say. I will give an update of my week (as I'm sure everyone wants an update...)

This week Nick and I decided to start playing a word...hillarious. Our first outing was on Tuesday and we were pretty bad. I ended up running into the wall like four times and I developed a large bruise on my left knee from it. We couldn't really keep a "volley" going (I'm not really sure if they call it a volley in raquetball or not) and I personally got pretty lazy after about twenty to thirty minutes...(perhaps that's because I'm sooooo out of shape). We played again on Thursday too. We set up appointments to reserve the court one week ahead of time. We had to miss a meeting for a children's ministry conference to play on Thursday, but that was actually best because the meetings are so far away from our house and we had been out really late the night before.

On Wednesday we went to a friend's house for a meeting and had a blast. I had some weird, grotesque rash on my left cheek develop on the way to her house. It really itched, but it went away by Thursday. While we were at this "meeting," Nick and I stayed later and ended up playing Wii and talking. All of a sudden, it was midnight! Yikes...we didn't get home until almost one because Nick wanted to get something to eat and we tried Burger King and McDonald's and they were both closed...I was totally carsick because Nick drives like a psycho and I had a massive sinus headache. I really thought I was going to vom...and almost did when we got home, but I was ok. We had such a nice time and I was inspired to download Super Mario Brothers on the virtual console of my Wii...too much fun!

Last night, Nick and I went to the Drive-In. We had a nice time and the weather was beautiful! We took my car and sat in it with the windows down and the sunroof open. I was really glad I had my Nintendo DS and a book to keep me occupied before the movies started (we got there like 45 minutes early) because Nick spent this whole time sleeping. I ended up erasing all of the files on Mario Kart DS and starting over. I bought the game used and the previous owner had unlocked almost everything and I wanted to do it for myself. The lineup at the Drive-In was pretty good this weekend. I actually wanted to see all three movies. The first movie was Penelope. It was really cute. Nick ended up watching it too and even he said that it wasn't all that bad. Then was The Forbidden Kingdom with Jet Li and Jackie Chan. What I saw of this movie I really enjoyed. It was kinda like a mixture of a comedy/kid's movie and a traditional kung-fu type movie. Unfortunately, I only made it through about twenty to thirty minutes of this movie. I hate the fact that everytime I go to the drive-in, I always fall asleep after the first show. I even drank so much Diet Coke it was insane and I still fell asleep! Oh well, the last movie was The Bank Job. Nick said it was really good. I guess I'll have to catch it on DVD. Speaking of DVD....

Nick and I are still on the fifth season of the Sopranos. We had to put two disks on Nick's computer and this totally shafted us because Nick doesn't like to be without his computer and we have no blank DVDs to burn the episodes onto (I know I ended this sentence with a preposition, but who cares!). I don't know how to set it up or anything because if I did, I could totally be watching it now so I could catch up to Nick and then maybe we could finish season five this weekend, but I don't see that happening. Nick said he didn't want to sleep past noon today and it's currently 11:57. I guess that means I need to try and wake him up. He said putting on the NFL Network would be the best thing to do, but I'm really digging I Love Lucy. It's one of the one's when they're in Hollywood...I love these episodes. I think if I could have anyone's talent I'd first choose Kristy Nockels (from Watermark) and then Lucille Ball...what a riot she is! Anywho...I need to wake-up my man...we're taking Rocko (our German Shepherd/Border Collie mix) to the dog park today (hopefully). I can't wait!


At Last....

Yay! I am finally able to write my first official blog on my new last! So...this has been a majorly busy couple of weeks. My team teacher has been in the Ukraine for what seems like forever and I have had to take on a little extra responsibility...if you know what I mean. It hasn't been that bad though...She's back for now and I got to see her for a little bit today...that was cool...We had report cards go out last week...Standardized testing this week...whew...lots going on lately. Tonight, Nick and I went to a Silent Auction at school to support our school-wide safety initiative. It actually wasn't all that bad. We got to sit with some parents from our church which made the evening go by fast.

So...I have some major plans for my new blog...One thing I'd like to do is keep a running critique of movies I watch or have seen so I can share my opinion of good movies...and not so good ones. Another thing I'd like to do is try to keep a log of the funny things my kids say...I just hope I can remember such things by the time I get home each day...

To sum's been a busy week...I hope to do a better job with blogging...and I'll actually have topics from time to time instead of randomness...

The Blog Formerly Known as MySpace...Part VII

December 8, 2007 - Saturday

In case you didn’t know...

So I thought it was about time to finally update anyone who was wondering about my previous incident and how I am fairing now...
My ankle is all better. It hurts when the weather changes, but I guess that's something that I'll just have to live with forever. I am still a little scared to hurts just a smidge when I try...I did try dance dance revolution the other day and that went ok, but after about five songs I had to stop due to pain in the ankle.
Nick was a great help during that time...he was my personal driver and even helped clean the house a little, but alas, those days are gone. Now I have to clean the house and I had better get to it...seriously...I need to go do that.
Unfortunately, I have no major life lessons from the ankle incident. I did learn that an orthopedic doctor with no computer and a massively scary combover really can know what he's doing, you should always hold on to the rail when walking down the stairs if you're as clutzy as I am (and definitely don't carry a really large, heavy box), and finally, life is not worth living if you're going 1000 miles per hour...we all need those times where we slow down, stop, and smell the just took breaking my ankle for me to do it.

The Blog Formerly Known as MySpace...Part VI

September 30, 2007 - Sunday

Things that bug me...

I'm not in a bad mood or anything...just feeling the need to vent for health reasons...(I don't even really know what that means...)
1. The Ravens - What the crap?! I don't seem to understand why a team that has everything it needs to make a legitimate run at the Super Bowl can't even beat the freakin' Browns. I mean, come on...the only teams that we have defeated this year aren't even in our division. If life doesn't turn around soon for our boys in purple and black, we will be looking at another "short" season...
2. Fantasy Football - Although my entire list will not solely consist of football "pet peeves" (sp?), my first two will. I had a relatively successful rookie season last year, making it into the playoffs. This year, however, I couldn't catch a break if it was thrown to me. Holy cow! Last week I had 111 points...on my bench! Now, for those of you who know nothing about fantasy football, this will make no sense to you, but for those of you who do, let me say bench points would have beat any team in my league, but they were all on the bench. I am 0-3 currently and am looking at going 0-4 unless Carson Palmer and Lawrence Maroney have great games tomorrow night. Every match-up that I have lost has been by less than ten points...sadness...
3. Rocko - Rocko and I went on a date to PetSmart today. Nick is out of town and I had to go get pet food and kitty litter, so I decided to take Rocko with me. I even dressed him in his lime green polo shirt...he looked adorable. At PetSmart, he did an incredible job. He didn't pull the leash, he stayed right by the cart, he didn't pee/poop in the store (which is something I have seen countless dogs do), and he didn't even bark at all. As a reward, I got him a comes the thing that bugs I type, he is completely destroying this toy. I don't understand why they can't make more dog toys that are indestructable. Now I'm going to be cleaning up stuffing for the next day and a half...this leads me to my next "problem"....
4. Cleaning house - I'm tired of cleaning house. I officially hate it and am ready to hire a maid. It's not even that I don't have enough time (which is partially true), I have just become so lazy...I don't know what my problem is...I just don't have any motivation.
5. Stamps - I never have any stamps. Yesterday was my grandma's birthday. I have had a card for her since Wednesday and haven't sent it yet because I never have any stamps...what the crap.
This concludes today's list of things that bug me. On a side note...I've been walking for one whole week now. My ankle is definitely very weak. I walked outside today in the grass without my "cast" and it hurt like poop. I would have most likely been fine on a regular surface (I should have stayed on the sidewalk). Either way, I am really ready to have full strength/range of motion. I've been working really hard on it. It's weird not to be able to run if I want to...I'm really missing the opportunity to play volleyball and flag football right now...I don't think I'll ever play any type of sport again without an ankle brace...I refuse to use crutches ever again...

The Blog Formerly Known as MySpace...Part V

September 15, 2007 - Saturday

In case you didn’t know...

*Disclaimer: This is not by any means editted properly. I am fully aware of my lack of consistent verb tense; however, I just don't care to fix it. Please do not judge my writing/teaching skills based on this particular blog.
Hmmm....I just thought I'd blog about this because I don't know what else to do with my extreme pain and here goes:..
It all started on the day after my 25th birthday. All in all, I would say it was a pretty great day. I was working really hard in my class room and decided it was time to take a rest and go on home. As is my custom, I was taking tons of work home with me, in hopes of working over the weekend to finish getting ready for the first day of school. I packed my things in a box (a relatively heavy box, but not too difficult to handle) and headed down the three flights of stairs which stand between my room and my car. I'm in a slight hurry because I was totally ready to get home. I have almost made it to the second floor landing, and….BOOM! I'm down. I fell down the steps! Now, for those of you who know me relatively well, you might be aware that an event such as falling down the steps is relatively common place in my life--I am not the most graceful person in the world. In fact, not only do I fall and run into things quite often, I have actually fallen down these exact steps before; however, this time, it was bad…really bad. My fall was accompanied with some of the worst pain of my life. Instantly I knew that this was no ordinary pain; this was mega-pain. I try to stand up, but I can't. This was not good. I didn't know what to do, so I scooted myself over to a wall and called Nick. Nick answered the phone to my frantic voice…"Nick this is an emergency…I need you to come to school right away…I just fell down the steps and hurt myself really bad…I think my ankle is sprained and I can't walk…" Poor Nick left straight away to come rescue me, bringing reinforcements in the person of Dave Greene. So here I am, sitting on the steps waiting…about five minutes later, a colleague came up the stairs and found me just sitting there on the floor. I'm sure this was a totally random sight, but I think it was obvious right away that something was really wrong. I told her what happened and she sprung into action, bringing ice, my principal, and the always handy Kate Kick. They quickly find a wheelchair for me and get me outside to await Nick. Once Nick arrived, we loaded me into my little Tiburon and headed for Patient First Bel Air…
Our arrival to Patient First presented us with our first problem, how to get me into the building…I hopped for what seemed like forever, but we made it into the waiting room and signed in. After a relatively short wait, I was rolled in to have an x-ray (this would be the third time I've had an x-ray…the first was a chest x-ray when I was having allergy induced asthma attacks and the second when I broke my finger…that was bad too…). I got up on the table and the x-ray technician came in and totally man-handled my ankle (or in this case, woman-handled). I'm not sure if she thought I was faking it or what (although the incredible amount of swelling should have told her this was serious), but she was not very gentle at all. She at least apologized once when I winced with pain. Finally the x-ray was over, so Nick rolled me into an exam room. Here we waited forever until a doctor came in, but when she arrived, her accent was so strong that I couldn't understand any thing she said. Nick laughed at me, but I had no clue as to what she was trying to ask me. I seem to remember her saying something about x-ray…no break…just sprain. So, apparently I have a sprained ankle, thanks for letting me know…then she just left. Another lady came in and fit me with some kind of cast/splint thingy with a very fashionable shoe and taught me how to walk on the crutches and told me that I was free to go. On my way out, the doctor said I should be able to put some weight on my foot in about five days. I'm thinking…this is great! I have three full days to rest up before the first school and by the second week I should be walking! So I go home…swelling and throbbing…but all in all pretty happy.
After doing a really great job of keeping my foot propped up and putting ice on it for a whole day, I started getting stir crazy. I made my way over to the Marshall's house for the "luau" (where I had to keep my foot propped up the whole time and felt pretty retarded asking people to get things for me). As the evening started to come a close, I decided to head down to the fire pit area to make some smores and enjoy the company of others…Let me just say, me + crutches + grass + camping chairs + fire = disaster. When I finally made my way to the fire pit, almost fell face first into the fire! Not good…I almost gave Kenny a heart attack, plus, I put my foot down on the ground out of habit and put myself into a major pain attack. I think that the pain in my foot was so extreme that I didn't even realize that my hand was resting on the fire pit! Wow, that was stressful. Later on, we all made our way into the house where we decided to watch a movie. Nick and I both fell asleep so we decided to crash at the Marshall's…
The next morning I had a nice before-nine-conversation with Bailey, and then my phone rang. It was Patient First. Turns out they were wrong about my x-ray…I did have a fracture in my ankle and I need to make my way to an orthopedist ASAP. Now I'm freaking out for several reasons…one…tomorrow is the first day of school…two…how in the world am I supposed to find an orthopedist…and three…holy cow, I broke my ankle! Stressful…on top of it all, now I have to get sub plans ready for the first day of school. I am going to have to miss out on meeting my kids on the first day …This is sadness that goes beyond what a teacher can stand…
Tuesday, the first day of school comes and I don't get to teach, I get to spend all morning on the phone looking for a doctor (again, if you know me, having to talk on the phone is another major stress for me). After what seemed like a million phone calls, I finally found a place that could fit me in, but get this…they don't have a computer, so I have to get the film of my x-ray…What?! This is 2007, and they don't have a computer…this sounds like a bad idea, but what other choice do I have. Nick and I went up to Bel Air to fetch the x-rays and then race back to Rosedale for my appointment. Half-way back, we realize we don't have the actual x-rays, we have a computer disk. Oh no, what are we going to do! Well, improvisation is the key…we called the doctor and found out we could just take Nick's laptop in and we could read the x-ray from there…sketchy, but ok. We get there and the joint is deserted, but that's ok. We get into the doctor (who incidentally has the worst comb-over I've ever seen and is older than dirt…he graduated form college before my parents were even born…), open the x-ray, and he found two fractures right away…maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all…He said that it would take 4-6 weeks to heal, but he would give me an air cast so I could shower and everything…I just have to be very careful…ok, I can do that…let's get out of here (doctors stress me out).
My first day back at school was not highly eventful…I got up the stairs (finally) and was able to stay in my room all day because I have wonderful colleagues who help me out tremendously. My class was great and they really tried hard to take excellent care of me, and they did a great job….
Fast Forward…I have now finished my second gimpy week of school…it's really hard, and I don't recommend it, but teaching with one leg can be done. My class is great about it. I roll around my room on my desk chair all day. I jokingly said I should use a paddle to help me get around and yesterday, my class brought me an autographed paddle. It is so cute I just can't stand it…(thanks Mrs. Brant!…friend request me when you read this because I can't find you on myspace…). You can't buy memories like that. I have gone back to the doctor once since my original visit. I have been cleared to move my foot as much as I can and to even try to put some weight on it. I can kinda walk a little, but it hurts waaaay too bad. It's funny…I almost feel like I've forgotten how to walk and it's only been two weeks. I will continue to keep my blog updated with my progress and I will surely blog again when this whole dumb thing is over to impart on the whole world the great nuggets of wisdom I have gleaned from this experience…peace out for now…and don't break a leg…seriously…it's not a good idea.

The Blog Formerly Known as MySpace...Part IV

July 9, 2007 - Monday


So, I had my first (and hopefully last) experience at what some would call "club." I will preface this particular blog with a few disclaimers...first of all, I want to say that I do not think that drinking is wrong or that you are a bad person if you choose to partake in an occasional alcoholic beverage. Second, I on the other hand do not drink, ever. Last, the following statements are not meant to pass judgement in anyway shape or form. They are simply thoughts that I had just after this experience...

June 30, 2007-Kristen's Bachelorette Party. We started at TGI Friday's for dinner. This was a very fun time. The wait-staff of Friday's sang "Going to the Chapel" for Kristen and that was quite hilarious. Then the craziness! We left Friday's for The Lodge, a bar at the Power Point Live area of the Inner Harbor. In my vehicle I had Rikki, Kristen's aunt, cousin, and his girlfriend. (yes, I said his...we are probably the only people in the world who had a guy with us for a bachelorette party). I had a feeling we would have a relatively crazy ride home...if I only knew then, what I know now...So we get there and we have our champagne toast (I chickened out and didn't do it). Then, we had our round of shots for the bridal party (chickened out again). So here I am, at a bar, not knowing what to do. I decided that it would be my job to be the "mom" of the evening. This meant that I spent the next few hours watching those who were with us like a hawk. I was so afraid that someone was going to get kidnapped or something...Thankfully Rikki was stuck there with me so she kept me company (even though I'm sure she would have loved to have been at home, we did have fun making fun of other people). Then around 2 am or so, we finally get to head home. Just about everyone in our car was a little wasted so it was a really funny ride home. I don't know that I've ever been around a crazy drunk before, but it was pretty funny.

Fast forward three hours...I was getting ready for church, wishing I had had more sleep and regretting the fact that I had stayed out so late. I got to church and went into the service. We sang one of my very favorite songs called "Sing to the King." Part of the chorus sings, "Come let us sing a song, a song declaring that we belong to Jesus, and he is all we need." This got me to thinking...Just a few hours prior to this, I was surrounded by hundreds of people who were drinking and partying and having a grand old time, but why? I was suddenly full of gratitude for the fact that I have Jesus in my life and that He really is all I need. I don't need to go out and drink and look for something else to make my life feel complete because it already is. I don't know that I am always all that thankful for the fact that I knew at a young age that I needed Jesus in my life and that I was going to make my life revolve around serving God, but this was definitely one of those moments. I felt a strong need to "blog" about this because I didn't know what else to do with these thoughts. Yes, I am totally a "goodie goodie," but I am glad about that. Again, I don't think there's anything wrong with drinking and having a good time. Now, I do think that if you're getting drunk and things like that, there is a problem there, but that's a different story. I am just thankful that my life is the way it is...clubbin' is not for me and it's a good thing because I am pretty bad at it...

The Blog Formerly Known as MySpace...Part III

March 27, 2007 - Tuesday


So, here I am, the end of the third quarter knocking on my door, a paper on the churches at Ephesus, Philippi, and Colossae breathing down my neck, and a Kidstuf script that I need to have memorized by tomorrow night, and what am I doing...goofing off on my computer. I swear, sometimes I am such a goober! When will I learn to prioritize my life and get things done in a timely manner instead of major cram sessions at the last minute?! One would think that finishing many a papers in the post-midnight hours throughout college would have encouraged good time management skills, but alas, here I am, in that same old familiar boat. You know the boat I'm talking about, the one with so many holes in it, it is almost impossible to stay afloat. You have to keep on bailing out water as fast as you can while also trying to plug up the holes. Everytime you get a whole plugged and are almost finished bailing, a new hole springs up and you're right back to where you started. Ahh, this boat is the metaphor for my life...if you've never been in this boat, consider yourself blessed...if you're thinking, "wow, I know exactly what she means..." then I pity you. I read a t-shirt one time that said "Procrastinators unite! Let's do it tomorrow..." I should look for that shirt and wear it everyday. Oh, boo....I guess I really need to get to work. Yikes, I've just wasted another fifteen minutes....

The Blog Formerly Known as MySpace...Part II

October 10, 2006 - Tuesday


So, I noticed today after recess that my room REAKED of major b.o. My guess is that the boys have not made that major leap into wearing deodarant. At what age is it necessary to wear deodorant everyday? I'm thinking at least by the fifth grade. Now I'm at an impasse...should I say "hey guys, something smells nasty in here and it's not have major b.o. and you need to start wearing deodorant everyday." or just let it go? Hmmm...just my thought for today. I'm sad the Ravens lost, but happy our volleyball team is 3-0...I need to go to bed so I can get up early and start another great day...too bad it's supposed to rain because that means we have indoor recess and indoor recess stinks...not as bad as fifth grade boy b.o. but you know what I mean. I guess if we stay inside they won't get stinky and sweaty...Anywho...this is random as all get out, so I should stop rambling now and move on with my life...

The Blog Formerly Known as MySpace...Part I

Since I have a new blog now, I have decided to move my blogs from MySpace here...They are in order for oldest to most recent...

September 9, 2006 - Saturday

The 5th grade

So, I have decided to "blog" about my first week in the fifth grade...all in all I'll say it went pretty well. It's so much different than first grade that it honestly makes me wonder how the heck I made it through last year. I love my little first graders, but fifth graders are so much more's awesome. Mountain is such a great school...I feel so blessed to be there and I truly feel that is where God wants me to be...finally a sense of purpose! My kids are fun...a little chatty and we get really random at times, but they definitely keep me on my toes. I am working with a great mentor teacher who takes great care of me and I just couldn't be happier! I made a few major boo boos this week, but I had it all figured out by Thursday so...not too bad. We were majorly late for dismissal the first two days of school and we got into a little bit of "trouble." It's all good in the hood now though. We have chapel every Wednesday and our first one was soooo awesome. I think that will definitely be something I look forward to every week. It really is a great time of praise...which is not really what expected. I expected it to be a cheezy kids worship time, boy was I wrong. Umm...I think that about sums it up. Fifth grade is fun. We had a great week this week and for the first time I ever, I don't dread going to work. Yay!

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