Water, Water Everywhere…and Lots of Drops to Drink…

Well, so far, I’ve not been that great at blogging since starting my list, but I have been working hard to try and get some tasks knocked out…

The first major task I chose to tackle was number 66, “Drink only water for month.”  I began this journey on  Monday, April 12 and sadly, I have nothing all that monumental or exciting to report.  I made it all the way until May 12, without drinking a single “non-water” beverage.  You may be thinking, “Surely you saw many benefits from drinking all that water,” and I am here to say, no, I did not.  The only thing it did was make me pee…a lot.  I was hoping to maybe drop a few pounds…not so much…I thought that it might help with my constant dry skin and adult onset acne…nope, not a bit…The good thing is, that I realized I wasn’t quite as addicted to caffeine as I thought I was.  I’m gonna be honest here and say that I was really worried about the sheer quantity of caffeine consumed by me each day.  Every morning I had a diet soda on the way to work.  I would typically have one for lunch and then normally at least one at night with my dinner.  That’s a lot of soda.  I’ve recently been reading about the negative effects of the unnatural sweeteners used in diet sodas, so I thought that perhaps this “water break” would do my body good.  When I think about this experiment that way, I know it helped me.  I think I really do feel better knowing that at least what I’m drinking is good for me.  I’ve actually kept on drinking tons of water, even though my month is over (I average about 80-100 oz per day).  Since May 12, I’ve only had maybe three or four diet sodas, three or four Chick-fil-a sweet teas, a (very, very small) glass of milk, and a Coke Slushy (my jam!).  I think that’s pretty good.  Before you worry about the fact that I’ve only had one small glass of milk in two months, let me assure you that I do take calcium supplements as a part of my daily vitamin regimen.  I detest the taste of milk…chocolate milk is not so bad, but in general I think milk is pretty gross.  I also eat lots of ice cream…so I get some calcium from that right?

So, there you have it…number 66 on my list is now a memory…

~Blevins - out!


Lisa said...
June 11, 2010 at 9:25 PM

Coke Slushy... your jam! Love it. I just actually got this update tonight. Don't know why it took me so long to get it. Glad you are checking off your list. The list maker in me is so happy for you! ;-)

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