There's a Song in My Head...

I'm sure, just like me, you get songs stuck in your head from time to time...Sometimes, I get songs stuck in my head, that are highly inappropriate (at least, I think so anyway...) For example, sometimes I get that one song by the All American Rejects stuck in my head..."Hope it Gives You H-e-double hockey sticks." Other times I get "Baby Got Back," or a myriad of Justin Timberlake songs (whom I love), all of which have inappropriate lyrics...Not all of the songs I get stuck in my head have bad lyrics, sometimes I get songs from church stuck in my head or even television jingles...This gets me to my purpose (if you believe there is one...). I have a standby song that gets stuck in my head all the time...this song is always in my head somehow and if I'm still for more than five minutes this song starts playing in my head, and unfortunately, I only know the first part...I know you're wondering what song I'm talking about...I bet you're totally sitting on the edge of your seat...just hoping I'll divulge this wonderful song that I sing each and everyday of my life...Now, you're probably thinking that since this is me we're talking about, that this song must have some special meaning, or it must be deeply symbolic or perhaps even spriritual...Well, I hate to disappoint you, but...the song of which I'm none other than..."Kung Fu Fighting." It's true. I have no idea why, but this song is always playing somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind. I truly don't get it, but apparently this song gets me, because it's never far away from me. I am now going to officially dedicate this post to this catchy tune that has become a staple in my life. In order to honor it properly, I shall post the lyrics here so that all can enjoy this song that I apparently love sooo much...
Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those cats were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightning
But they fought with expert timing
They were funky China men from funky Chinatown
They were chopping them up and they were chopping them down
It's an ancient Chineese art and everybody knew their part
From a feint into a slip, and kicking from the hip
Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those cats were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightning
But they fought with expert timing
There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy Chung
He said here comes the big boss, lets get it on
We took a bow and made a stand, started swinging with the hand
The sudden motion made me skip now we're into a brand knew trip
Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those cats were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightning
But they did it with expert timing(repeat)..make sure you have expert timing
Kung-fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning that I've looked up these lyrics, I realize, that I had no idea of the real words in this is even more random than I originally thought, and it is officially the product of a "one hit wonder" shocker are the lyrics that I sing for this song...over and over and over again..."Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting...those fists were fast as lightning...even though it is a little bit frightning...everybody was Kung Fu Fighting..." And there you have it folks...
~Blevins - out!


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