
Tomorrow is the first day of school!!!!! The rest of my first week back went well, I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do in my room, but it can be a work in progress....I'm really excited about getting to know my new class! We had an atypical open house (meet and greet kind of thing) this year and I was able to see my "old" kiddos and that got me totally stoked about starting a new year. It's always kinda weird on the first day of school because there's no relationship yet, so it's a little awkward...I really wish I could fast forward through the first month of school to a point where we know each other really well and all of our routines are in place and well-established. I'm actually not totally ready for the day tomorrow, but I still have time to get there. I'm teaching Social Studies for the first time this year and I don't really know the curriculum all that well yet. That's got me stressing a little. Also, I don't have any dress pants that fit...I have two pairs that I can button without a problem, but I have an uncomfortable amount of'm hoping to get at least two more pairs today in the midst of getting groceries for the week and finishing up my lesson plans and doing a little laundry. I'm also "planning" on doing a weekend word, but we'll see how that goes...just thought I'd give a quick update on my first full week back and on my excitement about the first day tomorrow...I have to get to school really early because I still have some things I need to put up and I haven't written my objectives yet, but the good thing is that my kiddos have computer first thing in the morning tomorrow, so they'll be with me for fifteen minutes and then I can finish setting things up if I need to...but I should have enough time to finish tomorrow morning...wish me luck...I'll try to post tomorrow with thoughts on the first day...

~Blevins - out!

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