It's morning and I think I'm doing a bit better...just thought I'd put a little update out there...I've been cleaning for the past three hours and perhaps the self-satisfying feeling of accomplishment has helped my mood improve for the better...
Today's "To Do" list is quite long, but I feel pretty confident that I should be able to get everything finished by the late afternoon...I hope...
~Blevins - out!
Bad Mood...
Posted in on 10:17 PM by Jennifer
I am normally a very happy-go-lucky type person...right now...I'm in a foul mood. I don't know why. My tummy feels kinda weird, I have a good bit of work to do, and I'm totally not motivated to do anything...Just thought I'd throw that out there...
Does anyone else just get into bad moods for no reason at all? I suppose there's no reason behind it...I'm not really sure though...Sometimes I think it's just because I feel overwhelmed or maybe that I'm bored and don't know what to do...I don't know, but whatever the reason, I'm feeling totally apathetic right now and I'm hoping when I wake up in the morning, my bad mood is a distant memory because I have mucho errands to run...
~Blevins - out!
Does anyone else just get into bad moods for no reason at all? I suppose there's no reason behind it...I'm not really sure though...Sometimes I think it's just because I feel overwhelmed or maybe that I'm bored and don't know what to do...I don't know, but whatever the reason, I'm feeling totally apathetic right now and I'm hoping when I wake up in the morning, my bad mood is a distant memory because I have mucho errands to run...
~Blevins - out!
Four Things
Posted in on 10:12 PM by Jennifer
Here are four things that are on my mind at this exact moment. I'm sure tons of people are interested in this...(by tons I mean all 5-10 people who read this blog...according to Google Analytics no one reads this, but I know that's not true because I actually have two new comments...go me!):
1. Why must my dog shed all the time? I love Rocko, he's the best dog in the whole wide world (in my opinion), but man can he shed some hair. I have had three marathon brushing sessions with him outside and I think that I could have possibly created three dogs his size with the amount of hair taken off of his coat each time. Have these sessions helped the problem at all??? That's a big fat no! He is still shedding enough to make warm winter coats for all of the poor orphans in Siberia (Siberia was the only cold place I could come up with right here on the spot). It's about to drive me insane at this particular moment in time, because we have people coming over on Saturday and I'm preparing food for them. Oh how embarrassed will I be if someone bites into a muffin and gets a big chunk of Rocko hair...I'll just choose not to think about that...ewww...
2. I really need to touch up the paint in my downstairs bathroom, living room, entry-way and kitchen. When I painted at the end of last summer, I was in quite a hurry and was painting without a ladder (which is a bad idea considering I am a huge klutz and was using bar stools - and my tippy-toes - to reach the top of my nine foot ceilings). It's just not as clean as I'd like it, especially around the edges. I'd also like to paint my office too, which is downstairs as well. I have tried out a few sample paint colors and don't know what to do. Part of me would like to paint it really dark brown because it might make it feel really warm and cozy, but I also really like that kinda sagey-green color...I was thinking since I like that green color, that I may use it in my upstairs hallway, but I just dont know...I wish Nick had an opinion on such matters...I know I want to paint our bedroom a darkish-purple and our bathroom tan (the same tan of my entry way) but now I'm really wondering why I've written all of this...
3. I really wanted this to differ from my earlier "Three Things" blog, but I am having a little trouble coming up with four things. Maybe I should have entitled this blog "Two Things;" however, I have come up with a number three...this whole tomato, salmonella stuff. Frankly, I'm a little concerned. I don't understand why we can't eat tomatoes anymore. Are all of the tomatoes bad? Do we know where the contaminated tomatoes came from? Will we ever be able to eat tomatoes again? Is this phase one of "The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?" Why aren't all tomatoes banned from public consumption? Are there only certain types that make people sick? How many people have gotten sick so far? Has anyone died? Has anyone taken the time to read all six of the above mentioned questions? Does anyone else care about this topic at all?
4. At this exact moment, I am thinking about possibly either playing Nintendo Wii or going upstairs to watch disc 2 of volume one of season six of the Sopranos. I gotta say that so far, although somewhat intriguing, this sixth season has been a little strange. The Sopranos has always had that "artistic" flair to it that I really appreciate, however, right now I'm semi-confused. I know it has a weird-ish ending and that a lot of people didn't like the last episode, but who knows why? I do know this...AJ's hair looks really bad right now and I hope he gets it cut. Sometimes I like long hair, but not on him, it looks horrible...
This concludes my list of four things that I'm thinking right now. I hope it has helped brighten your day to know that I have totally random thoughts all the time and that this feeds in to my total ADD-ness that seems to be growing with each passing year...
~Blevins - out!
1. Why must my dog shed all the time? I love Rocko, he's the best dog in the whole wide world (in my opinion), but man can he shed some hair. I have had three marathon brushing sessions with him outside and I think that I could have possibly created three dogs his size with the amount of hair taken off of his coat each time. Have these sessions helped the problem at all??? That's a big fat no! He is still shedding enough to make warm winter coats for all of the poor orphans in Siberia (Siberia was the only cold place I could come up with right here on the spot). It's about to drive me insane at this particular moment in time, because we have people coming over on Saturday and I'm preparing food for them. Oh how embarrassed will I be if someone bites into a muffin and gets a big chunk of Rocko hair...I'll just choose not to think about that...ewww...
2. I really need to touch up the paint in my downstairs bathroom, living room, entry-way and kitchen. When I painted at the end of last summer, I was in quite a hurry and was painting without a ladder (which is a bad idea considering I am a huge klutz and was using bar stools - and my tippy-toes - to reach the top of my nine foot ceilings). It's just not as clean as I'd like it, especially around the edges. I'd also like to paint my office too, which is downstairs as well. I have tried out a few sample paint colors and don't know what to do. Part of me would like to paint it really dark brown because it might make it feel really warm and cozy, but I also really like that kinda sagey-green color...I was thinking since I like that green color, that I may use it in my upstairs hallway, but I just dont know...I wish Nick had an opinion on such matters...I know I want to paint our bedroom a darkish-purple and our bathroom tan (the same tan of my entry way) but now I'm really wondering why I've written all of this...
3. I really wanted this to differ from my earlier "Three Things" blog, but I am having a little trouble coming up with four things. Maybe I should have entitled this blog "Two Things;" however, I have come up with a number three...this whole tomato, salmonella stuff. Frankly, I'm a little concerned. I don't understand why we can't eat tomatoes anymore. Are all of the tomatoes bad? Do we know where the contaminated tomatoes came from? Will we ever be able to eat tomatoes again? Is this phase one of "The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?" Why aren't all tomatoes banned from public consumption? Are there only certain types that make people sick? How many people have gotten sick so far? Has anyone died? Has anyone taken the time to read all six of the above mentioned questions? Does anyone else care about this topic at all?
4. At this exact moment, I am thinking about possibly either playing Nintendo Wii or going upstairs to watch disc 2 of volume one of season six of the Sopranos. I gotta say that so far, although somewhat intriguing, this sixth season has been a little strange. The Sopranos has always had that "artistic" flair to it that I really appreciate, however, right now I'm semi-confused. I know it has a weird-ish ending and that a lot of people didn't like the last episode, but who knows why? I do know this...AJ's hair looks really bad right now and I hope he gets it cut. Sometimes I like long hair, but not on him, it looks horrible...
This concludes my list of four things that I'm thinking right now. I hope it has helped brighten your day to know that I have totally random thoughts all the time and that this feeds in to my total ADD-ness that seems to be growing with each passing year...
~Blevins - out!
Weekend Word - Part Two
Posted in on 3:57 PM by Jennifer
“Oh, what a wonderful God we have! How great are His riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is to understand His decisions and His methods! For who can know what the Lord is thinking? Who knows enough to be His counselor? And who could ever give Him so much that He would have to pay it back? For everything comes from Him; everything exists by His power and is intended for His glory. To Him be glory evermore.”
Romans 11:33-36
These verses from Romans are titled “Doxology,” which comes from the Greek word doxologia or doxologos, meaning ”praising, glorifying” (doxo – praise, logos – speaking). I love this passage because I feel like it puts my feelings into words. The first part that stands out to me is the portion that states “How impossible it is to understand His decisions and methods!”…Boy isn’t that true…I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has stopped and asked, “God, what are you doing? What are you thinking? This can’t possibly be right…” I can’t begin to name all of the times I’ve stopped and questioned God’s decisions and methods, His plan. It’s kinda funny because as a teacher and a “storyteller” at church, I am constantly directing children to “Trust God No Matter What” and to know and remember that “God’s way is the best way.” I think this is one of those easier said than done concepts. That’s why this verse is one of my favorites. It sort of puts me in my place. It’s not even remotely possible to be in on God’s whole huge plan. Our finite minds wouldn’t even begin to be able to understand or even handle God’s mind, His heart, therefore, we cannot even really have an inkling as to His decision making process and motives…
The next parts I like are the three big questions: “For who can know what the Lord is thinking? Who knows enough to be His counselor? And who could ever give Him so much that He would have to pay it back?” Talk about feeling small in the huge story of God! As puffed up and proud as I can feel when something great happens because of me or my efforts, it’s quite humbling to think that I cannot even come close to paying Him back for all that He has done for me. It’s easy to feel like I’ve got it all together, especially during those rare times that life is running on all cylinders and things just seem to fall in to place. Sometimes I get really sucked in to the day to day things that I have a tendency to think I can do everything on my own, that I don’t need to rely on God or His wisdom because I’ve got it all figured out, I can take care of it all on my own. In reality, I typically have no idea what I am thinking, so I can’t even begin to know about what God is thinking, more or less think that I know what I need to do better than he does. “Who could ever give Him so much that He would have to pay it back?” I do a lot. I’m not trying to be boastful or anything, but I know that God has created me to be a servant so “doing” comes naturally to me. I rarely mind, or even call any attention to what I do to serve others and God. That being said, I have had many times when I have kinda kept tabs in my head…”Well, God must be really pleased with me this week, I spent almost every night working to bring others closer to Him…I wonder if He’ll send an extra special blessing my way because of it…” I’ve even said things like “I bet I get another crown for this one.” (as in my heavenly reward) I don’t have too many moments when I feel like God “owes me one.” On the other hand, I have had times when I need something from God, whether I’m in a tough spot or someone close to me is and I sometimes, inadvertently, try to use my service as a bargaining chip. This question helps remind me that God doesn’t owe me a thing…no matter how much I may think I deserve it. Serving is not something I do to get paid back by God, it’s something I do to honor and glorify His matchless name.
Finally, “For everything comes from Him; everything exists by His power and is intended for His glory.” As a college student I had the privilege of being a part of a great student “movement” (for lack of a better word) called Passion. One of the things I love about the leaders of this movement is that everything that comes from them, whether in word or in deed, points people to God. It’s designed to be for His glory. I learned from them that that’s what we’re here for…to give God glory. When you look at your life in this light, it changes things…it changes how you spend your time, who you spend it with, what you say, what you do, even what you think…If I can live my life with this statement in mind, that “everything comes from Him; everything exists by His power and is intended for His glory,” then I believe I am on my way to becoming the kind of person God wants me to be—someone who realizes my dependence on Him and points others to His love and forgiveness.
“To Him be glory, evermore.” – Amen
Romans 11:33-36
These verses from Romans are titled “Doxology,” which comes from the Greek word doxologia or doxologos, meaning ”praising, glorifying” (doxo – praise, logos – speaking). I love this passage because I feel like it puts my feelings into words. The first part that stands out to me is the portion that states “How impossible it is to understand His decisions and methods!”…Boy isn’t that true…I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has stopped and asked, “God, what are you doing? What are you thinking? This can’t possibly be right…” I can’t begin to name all of the times I’ve stopped and questioned God’s decisions and methods, His plan. It’s kinda funny because as a teacher and a “storyteller” at church, I am constantly directing children to “Trust God No Matter What” and to know and remember that “God’s way is the best way.” I think this is one of those easier said than done concepts. That’s why this verse is one of my favorites. It sort of puts me in my place. It’s not even remotely possible to be in on God’s whole huge plan. Our finite minds wouldn’t even begin to be able to understand or even handle God’s mind, His heart, therefore, we cannot even really have an inkling as to His decision making process and motives…
The next parts I like are the three big questions: “For who can know what the Lord is thinking? Who knows enough to be His counselor? And who could ever give Him so much that He would have to pay it back?” Talk about feeling small in the huge story of God! As puffed up and proud as I can feel when something great happens because of me or my efforts, it’s quite humbling to think that I cannot even come close to paying Him back for all that He has done for me. It’s easy to feel like I’ve got it all together, especially during those rare times that life is running on all cylinders and things just seem to fall in to place. Sometimes I get really sucked in to the day to day things that I have a tendency to think I can do everything on my own, that I don’t need to rely on God or His wisdom because I’ve got it all figured out, I can take care of it all on my own. In reality, I typically have no idea what I am thinking, so I can’t even begin to know about what God is thinking, more or less think that I know what I need to do better than he does. “Who could ever give Him so much that He would have to pay it back?” I do a lot. I’m not trying to be boastful or anything, but I know that God has created me to be a servant so “doing” comes naturally to me. I rarely mind, or even call any attention to what I do to serve others and God. That being said, I have had many times when I have kinda kept tabs in my head…”Well, God must be really pleased with me this week, I spent almost every night working to bring others closer to Him…I wonder if He’ll send an extra special blessing my way because of it…” I’ve even said things like “I bet I get another crown for this one.” (as in my heavenly reward) I don’t have too many moments when I feel like God “owes me one.” On the other hand, I have had times when I need something from God, whether I’m in a tough spot or someone close to me is and I sometimes, inadvertently, try to use my service as a bargaining chip. This question helps remind me that God doesn’t owe me a thing…no matter how much I may think I deserve it. Serving is not something I do to get paid back by God, it’s something I do to honor and glorify His matchless name.
Finally, “For everything comes from Him; everything exists by His power and is intended for His glory.” As a college student I had the privilege of being a part of a great student “movement” (for lack of a better word) called Passion. One of the things I love about the leaders of this movement is that everything that comes from them, whether in word or in deed, points people to God. It’s designed to be for His glory. I learned from them that that’s what we’re here for…to give God glory. When you look at your life in this light, it changes things…it changes how you spend your time, who you spend it with, what you say, what you do, even what you think…If I can live my life with this statement in mind, that “everything comes from Him; everything exists by His power and is intended for His glory,” then I believe I am on my way to becoming the kind of person God wants me to be—someone who realizes my dependence on Him and points others to His love and forgiveness.
“To Him be glory, evermore.” – Amen
2007-2008 School Year in Review
Posted in on 6:41 AM by Jennifer
Another school year has come and gone. It really is a strange feeling to know that I don’t have to worry about any plans for next week, grading papers, being the disciplinarian, keeping an orderly classroom…you know all the things teachers have to do…I can finally “relax” a little and enjoy some time to recharge and renew.
This year has been quite unique from beginning to end. I started out the year breaking my ankle while walking down the steps the Friday before school started. I thought at the time that this was a sign that this year was going to be quite a bear, but it was actually not that bad. I really, truly enjoyed the kids in my class. I liked seeing them everyday, getting to know them, and teaching them. One of the things I love about my job is that I not only get to teach kids about Math and Science, but that I get to teach them about our God, who created them and has a purpose for their lives.
I was truly blessed with gifts from my kiddos this year. I don’t mean that I got really great stuff (which I did, many parents were quite generous), but I’m talking about the cards and kind words I received. “You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had.” “You always made everyday fun.” “My three favorite things about you…One is that you smile all the time which makes me feel happy to be at school. Two is that you are really funny. Three is that you are someone I can look up to and be like when I grow up, like a big sister.” (I really love how she didn’t say mom) “You make me want to be a teacher too.” “Thank you for teaching our son how to be a better Christian.” “At first I was really scared about being in the fifth grade, but you have made this the best year ever.” “I really am going to miss you this summer.” “Is it too early to request you as a teacher for our other son—he just finished Kindergarten?” “Can’t you move up to 6th grade?”
There are days when I don’t feel so great about myself. I have a tendency to be rather self-deprecating and I definitely struggle with self-esteem. My students were the remedy for that this year. Each morning, I had several kids who couldn’t wait to get upstairs just to talk to me. They wanted to tell me every little thing they were thinking and feeling. They totally made my day just by coming in and saying, “Mrs. Blevins!” in that cheery tone of voice they get when they’re really happy/excited. I really am going to miss that. I’m not saying that I’m the best teacher ever—I’m not even saying that I’m really all that great at teaching at all; however, I have been able to get to know some really great kids, who taught me a lot about myself. They taught me the importance of listening and truly caring for one another. They taught me patience and self-control, even in some of the most difficult circumstances. They taught me about unconditional love and forgiveness. They taught me what it means to make a difference in the life of someone else.
May I never forget how great it feels to end a school year on a high. Not every day or week or even month is perfect when you’re an elementary school teacher, but it’s my hope that I’ll be able to remember the big picture as I go through those days when the kids just seem to talk incessantly, or I’ve repeated the same direction eight different times. All I really remember now about this year are the good times and how much fun we had growing together as a class. You know, they say child birth is the same way…it hurts like nothing else, but you forget all about the pain as soon as you get to hold your precious little baby. Well, I’ve never really fallen for that argument before because frankly, I’ve always thought it was a load of poop, but maybe there’s something to it after all…
~Blevins out!
This year has been quite unique from beginning to end. I started out the year breaking my ankle while walking down the steps the Friday before school started. I thought at the time that this was a sign that this year was going to be quite a bear, but it was actually not that bad. I really, truly enjoyed the kids in my class. I liked seeing them everyday, getting to know them, and teaching them. One of the things I love about my job is that I not only get to teach kids about Math and Science, but that I get to teach them about our God, who created them and has a purpose for their lives.
I was truly blessed with gifts from my kiddos this year. I don’t mean that I got really great stuff (which I did, many parents were quite generous), but I’m talking about the cards and kind words I received. “You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had.” “You always made everyday fun.” “My three favorite things about you…One is that you smile all the time which makes me feel happy to be at school. Two is that you are really funny. Three is that you are someone I can look up to and be like when I grow up, like a big sister.” (I really love how she didn’t say mom) “You make me want to be a teacher too.” “Thank you for teaching our son how to be a better Christian.” “At first I was really scared about being in the fifth grade, but you have made this the best year ever.” “I really am going to miss you this summer.” “Is it too early to request you as a teacher for our other son—he just finished Kindergarten?” “Can’t you move up to 6th grade?”
There are days when I don’t feel so great about myself. I have a tendency to be rather self-deprecating and I definitely struggle with self-esteem. My students were the remedy for that this year. Each morning, I had several kids who couldn’t wait to get upstairs just to talk to me. They wanted to tell me every little thing they were thinking and feeling. They totally made my day just by coming in and saying, “Mrs. Blevins!” in that cheery tone of voice they get when they’re really happy/excited. I really am going to miss that. I’m not saying that I’m the best teacher ever—I’m not even saying that I’m really all that great at teaching at all; however, I have been able to get to know some really great kids, who taught me a lot about myself. They taught me the importance of listening and truly caring for one another. They taught me patience and self-control, even in some of the most difficult circumstances. They taught me about unconditional love and forgiveness. They taught me what it means to make a difference in the life of someone else.
May I never forget how great it feels to end a school year on a high. Not every day or week or even month is perfect when you’re an elementary school teacher, but it’s my hope that I’ll be able to remember the big picture as I go through those days when the kids just seem to talk incessantly, or I’ve repeated the same direction eight different times. All I really remember now about this year are the good times and how much fun we had growing together as a class. You know, they say child birth is the same way…it hurts like nothing else, but you forget all about the pain as soon as you get to hold your precious little baby. Well, I’ve never really fallen for that argument before because frankly, I’ve always thought it was a load of poop, but maybe there’s something to it after all…
~Blevins out!
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